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ESGE Quality Check APP

ESGE Quality Check APP is Meplis Care Monitor solution that offers you access to ESGE QIC tailored, self-monitoring questionnaires with data capturing regarding your own or your department's performance measures.

Start to measure quality in your endoscopy unit now. As ESGE member you receive an access to the following modules:
- Upper GI
- Lower GI
- Endoscopy services
- Small bowel (DAE and capsule endoscopy)
- ERCP (end of December 2023)
- EUS (as of January 2024)

After you have requested access to use the APP, you will receive an invitation email with your login details within 14 working days from submitting your application. Please monitor your SPAM mailbox.

Please do not register more than once. Only one user account will be created for an ESGE membership ID.
Please keep in mind that you will be registered and invited to the Quality Check Care Monitor with the email address provided in the below form. This email will also be your user name.

Register here as a new user

ESGE Member ID consists of 8 digits and is displayed in your profile in ESGE Member Benefits Dashboard, as well as in your certificate and your invoice. Both documents are usually attached to your membership confirmation mail.
Hospital/Unit details(Required)
Select module(s) you would like to have access to *